ID DE carotenoid isomerooxygenase. CA all-trans-zeaxanthin + O2 = (3R)-11-cis-3-hydroxyretinal + (3R)-all- CA trans-3-hydroxyretinal. CC -!- The enzyme, characterized from the moth Galleria mellonella and the CC fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, is involved in the synthesis of CC retinal from dietary caroteoids in insects. CC -!- The enzyme accepts different all-trans carotenoids, including beta- CC carotene, alpha-carotene and lutein, and catalyzes the symmetrical CC cleavage of the carotenoid and the simultaneous isomerization of only CC one of the products to a cis configuration. CC -!- When the substrate is hydroxylated only in one side (as in CC cryptoxanthin), the enzyme preferentially isomerizes the hydroxylated CC part of the molecule. CC -!- Formerly EC DR Q9VFS2, NINAB_DROME; A8Y9I2, NINAB_GALME; //