ID DE Renilla-type luciferase. AN luciferase. AN Renilla-luciferin 2-monooxygenase. CA coelenterazine h + O2 = CO2 + excited coelenteramide h monoanion + H(+) + CA hnu. CC -!- This enzyme has been studied from the soft coral Renilla reniformis. CC -!- Before the reaction occurs the substrate is sequestered by a CC coelenterazine-binding protein. CC -!- Elevation in the concentration of calcium ions releases the CC substrate, which then interacts with the luciferase. CC -!- Upon binding the substrate, the enzyme catalyzes an oxygenation, CC producing a very short-lived hydroperoxide that cyclizes into a CC dioxetanone structure, which collapses, releasing a CO2 molecule. CC -!- The spontaneous breakdown of the dioxetanone releases the energy CC (about 50 kcal/mole) that is necessary to generate the excited state CC of the coelenteramide product, which is the singlet form of the CC monoanion. CC -!- In vivo the product undergoes the process of nonradiative energy CC transfer to an accessory protein, a green fluorescent protein (GFP), CC which results in green bioluminescence. CC -!- In vitro, in the absence of GFP, the product emits blue light. DR P27652, LUCI_RENRE ; //