ID DE (R)-3-[(carboxymethyl)amino]fatty acid dioxygenase/decarboxylase. CA 2 2-oxoglutarate + a (3R)-3-[(carboxymethyl)amino]fatty acid + 2 O2 = CA a (3R)-3-isocyanyl-fatty acid + 3 CO2 + 2 H2O + 2 succinate. CC -!- Requires Fe(II). CC -!- The enzyme, found in actinobacterial species, participates in the CC biosynthesis of isonitrile-containing lipopeptides. CC -!- The reaction comprises two catalytic cycles, each consuming an oxygen CC molecule and a 2-oxoglutarate molecule. CC -!- In the first cycle the substrate is hydroxylated, while in the second CC cycle the enzyme catalyzes a decarboxylation/oxidation reaction that CC produces an isonitrile group. DR P67756, INLPE_MYCBO; B2HKM3, INLPE_MYCMM; P9WG82, INLPE_MYCTO; DR P9WG83, INLPE_MYCTU; A0A3B6UEU3, INLPE_STRC4; //