ID DE methane monooxygenase (soluble). AN methane hydroxylase. CA (1) H(+) + methane + NADH + O2 = H2O + methanol + NAD(+). CA (2) H(+) + methane + NADPH + O2 = H2O + methanol + NADP(+). CC -!- The enzyme is soluble, in contrast to the particulate enzyme, CC EC CC -!- Broad specificity; many alkanes can be hydroxylated, and alkenes are CC converted into the corresponding epoxides; CO is oxidized to CO2, CC ammonia is oxidized to hydroxylamine, and some aromatic compounds and CC cyclic alkanes can also be hydroxylated, but more slowly. DR P22869, MEMA_METCA ; P27353, MEMA_METTR ; P18798, MEMB_METCA ; DR P27354, MEMB_METTR ; P11987, MEMG_METCA ; P27355, MEMG_METTR ; DR P22868, MMOC_METCA ; Q53563, MMOC_METTR ; //