ID DE flavin-containing monooxygenase. AN dimethylaniline monooxygenase (N-oxide-forming). AN dimethylaniline N-oxidase. AN dimethylaniline oxidase. AN DMA oxidase. AN FAD-containing monooxygenase. AN flavin mixed function oxidase. AN flavin monooxygenase. AN FMO. AN methylphenyltetrahydropyridine N-monooxygenase. AN mixed-function amine oxidase. AN N,N-dimethylaniline monooxygenase. AN Ziegler's enzyme. CA H(+) + N,N-dimethylaniline + NADPH + O2 = H2O + N,N-dimethylaniline CA N-oxide + NADP(+). CC -!- A broad spectrum monooxygenase that accepts substrates as diverse as CC hydrazines, phosphines, boron-containing compounds, sulfides, CC selenides, iodide, as well as primary, secondary and tertiary amines. CC -!- Is distinct from other monooxygenases in that the enzyme forms a CC relatively stable hydroperoxy flavin intermediate. CC -!- Generally converts nucleophilic heteroatom-containing chemicals and CC drugs into harmless, readily excreted metabolites. CC -!- For example, N-oxygenation is largely responsible for the CC detoxification of the dopaminergic neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl- CC 1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). CC -!- Formerly EC DR Q95LA2, FMO1_CANLF ; Q01740, FMO1_HUMAN ; P50285, FMO1_MOUSE ; DR P16549, FMO1_PIG ; P17636, FMO1_RABIT ; P36365, FMO1_RAT ; DR Q28505, FMO2_MACMU ; P17635, FMO2_RABIT ; Q8HYJ9, FMO3_BOVIN ; DR Q95LA1, FMO3_CANLF ; P49328, FMO3_CAVPO ; P31513, FMO3_HUMAN ; DR Q8SPQ7, FMO3_MACMU ; P97501, FMO3_MOUSE ; Q7YS44, FMO3_PANTR ; DR P32417, FMO3_RABIT ; Q9EQ76, FMO3_RAT ; P31512, FMO4_HUMAN ; DR Q8VHG0, FMO4_MOUSE ; P36367, FMO4_RABIT ; Q8K4B7, FMO4_RAT ; DR P49109, FMO5_CAVPO ; P49326, FMO5_HUMAN ; P97872, FMO5_MOUSE ; DR Q04799, FMO5_RABIT ; Q8K4C0, FMO5_RAT ; O60774, FMO6_HUMAN ; //