ID DE stearoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] 9-desaturase. AN acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] desaturase. AN stearyl-ACP desaturase. AN stearyl acyl carrier protein desaturase. CA 2 H(+) + O2 + octadecanoyl-[ACP] + 2 reduced [2Fe-2S]-[ferredoxin] = CA (9Z)-octadecenoyl-[ACP] + 2 H2O + 2 oxidized [2Fe-2S]-[ferredoxin]. CC -!- The enzyme is found in the lumen of plastids, where de novo CC biosynthesis of fatty acids occurs, and acts on freshly synthesized CC saturated fatty acids that are still linked to acyl-carrier protein. CC -!- The enzyme determines the position of the double bond by its distance CC from the carboxylic acid end of the fatty acid. CC -!- It also acts on palmitoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]. CC -!- Formerly EC DR Q9LF04, STAD1_ARATH; E3PZS1, STAD1_OPHSP; B8A7A3, STAD1_ORYSI; DR Q8LJJ9, STAD1_ORYSJ; Q9M881, STAD2_ARATH; E3PZS3, STAD2_OPHAA; DR E3PZS2, STAD2_OPHSP; A2WYF4, STAD2_ORYSI; Q8S059, STAD2_ORYSJ; DR Q9LF05, STAD3_ARATH; Q9M880, STAD4_ARATH; Q9M879, STAD5_ARATH; DR A2XSL4, STAD5_ORYSI; Q40731, STAD5_ORYSJ; Q84VY3, STAD6_ARATH; DR O22832, STAD7_ARATH; Q01771, STADS_BRANA; P29108, STAD_BRANA ; DR P22243, STAD_CARTI ; O24428, STAD_ELAGV ; Q42770, STAD_GOSHI ; DR Q96456, STAD_HELAN ; P32062, STAD_LINUS ; Q43593, STAD_OLEEU ; DR P22337, STAD_RICCO ; Q01753, STAD_SIMCH ; Q41319, STAD_SOLCO ; DR P46253, STAD_SOLTU ; Q42807, STAD_SOYBN ; P28645, STAD_SPIOL ; //