ID DE indolepyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase. AN 3-(indol-3-yl)pyruvate synthase (ferredoxin). AN IOR. CA CoA + indole-3-pyruvate + 2 oxidized [2Fe-2S]-[ferredoxin] = (indol-3- CA yl)acetyl-CoA + CO2 + H(+) + 2 reduced [2Fe-2S]-[ferredoxin]. CC -!- Preferentially utilizes the transaminated forms of aromatic amino CC acids and can use phenylpyruvate and 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate as CC substrates. CC -!- This enzyme, which is found in archaea, is a member of the 2-oxoacid CC oxidoreductases, a family of enzymes that oxidatively decarboxylate CC different 2-oxoacids to form their CoA derivatives, and are CC differentiated based on their substrate specificity. CC -!- For examples of other members of this family, see EC and CC EC DR O28783, IORA_ARCFU ; O27880, IORA_METTH ; P80910, IORA_METTM ; DR Q9UZ57, IORA_PYRAB ; O58495, IORA_PYRHO ; O07835, IORA_THEKO ; DR O28249, IORB_ARCFU ; O27881, IORB_METTH ; P80911, IORB_METTM ; DR Q9UZ56, IORB_PYRAB ; O58496, IORB_PYRHO ; O07836, IORB_THEKO ; //