ID DE reticuline oxidase. AN berberine bridge enzyme. AN berberine-bridge-forming enzyme. AN tetrahydroprotoberberine synthase. CA (S)-reticuline + O2 = (S)-scoulerine + H(+) + H2O2. CC -!- Acts on (S)-reticuline and related compounds, converting the N-methyl CC group into the methylene bridge ('berberine bridge') of (S)- CC tetrahydroprotoberberines. CC -!- The product of the reaction, (S)-scoulerine, is a precursor of CC protopine, protoberberine and benzophenanthridine alkaloid CC biosynthesis in plants. CC -!- Formerly EC DR P30986, RETO_ESCCA ; P93479, RETO_PAPSO ; //