ID DE phloroisovalerophenone synthase. AN 3-methyl-1-(trihydroxyphenyl)butan-1-one synthase. AN acylphloroglucinol synthase. AN valerophenone synthase. CA (1) 3-methylbutanoyl-CoA + 3 H(+) + 3 malonyl-CoA = 3 CO2 + 4 CoA + CA phlorisovalerophenone. CA (2) 2-methylpropanoyl-CoA + 3 H(+) + 3 malonyl-CoA = 3 CO2 + 4 CoA + CA phlorisobutanophenone. CC -!- Closely related to EC CC -!- Also acts on isobutyryl-CoA as substrate to give CC phlorisobutyrophenone. CC -!- The products are intermediates in the biosynthesis of the bitter CC acids in hops (Humulus lupulus) and glucosides in strawberry CC (Fragaria X ananassa). CC -!- It is also able to generate naringenin chalcone from 4-coumaroyl-CoA. DR Q9FEY5, CHSH1_HUMLU; O80400, VPS_HUMLU ; Q9SLX9, VPS_PSINU ; //