ID DE hepsin. CA Cleavage after basic amino-acid residues, with Arg strongly preferred to CA Lys. CC -!- This type-II membrane-associated serine peptidase has been implicated CC in cell growth and development. CC -!- The enzyme has been shown to activate blood coagulation factor VII by CC cleavage of the 152-Arg-|-Ile-153 peptide bound in BHK cells, thus CC indicating a possible role in the initiation of blood coagulation. CC -!- There is no cleavage after aromatic or aliphatic residues. CC -!- The occupancy of the S2 site is an absolute requirement for catalysis CC and a basic residue at that site is preferred to an aliphatic CC residue. CC -!- The nature of the residue at S3 also affects hydrolysis, with Gln CC being much more favorable than Ala. CC -!- Belongs to peptidase family S1A. DR P05981, HEPS_HUMAN ; O35453, HEPS_MOUSE ; Q5R5E8, HEPS_PONAB ; DR Q05511, HEPS_RAT ; //