ID DE lactocepin. AN extracellular lactococcal proteinase. AN lactococcal cell envelope-associated proteinase. AN wall-associated serine proteinase. CA Endopeptidase activity with very broad specificity, although some subsite CA preference have been noted, e.g. large hydrophobic residues in the P1 and CA P4 positions, and Pro in the P2 position. Best known for its action on CA caseins, although it has been shown to hydrolyze hemoglobin and oxidized CA insulin B-chain. CC -!- Responsible for the hydrolysis of casein in milk and the provision of CC peptides essential for cell growth. CC -!- Specificity differences between lactocepins from different starter CC strains may be partly responsible for imparating different flavor CC qualities to cheese. CC -!- Belongs to peptidase family S8. DR P16271, P1P_LACLC ; P15293, P2P_LACLC ; Q02470, P2P_LACPA ; DR P15292, P3P_LACLS ; //