ID DE 6-aminohexanoate-oligomer exohydrolase. AN 6-aminohexanoate-dimer hydrolase. AN 6-aminohexanoic acid oligomer hydrolase. AN nylon-6 hydrolase. CA (1) [N-(6-aminohexanoyl)](n) + H2O = 6-aminohexanoate + CA [N-(6-aminohexanoyl)](n-1). CA (2) H2O + N-(6-aminohexanoyl)-6-aminohexanoate = 2 6-aminohexanoate. CC -!- The enzyme is involved in degradation of nylon-6 oligomers. CC -!- It degrades linear oligomers of 6-aminohexanoate with a degree of CC polymerization of 2-20 by exo-type cleavage, removing residues CC sequentially from the N-terminus. CC -!- Activity decreases with the increase of the polymerization number of CC the oligomer; cf. EC and EC DR P07062, NYLB2_PAEUR; P07061, NYLB_PAEUR ; //