ID DE 2-epi-5-epi-valiolone synthase. AN C7-cyclitol synthase. CA D-sedoheptulose 7-phosphate = 2-epi-5-epi-valiolone + phosphate. CC -!- The enzyme is highly specific for alpha-D-sedoheptulopyranose CC 7-phosphate. CC -!- It requires a divalent metal ion (Zn(2+) or Co(2+)) and an NAD(+) CC cofactor, which is transiently reduced during the reaction. CC -!- The enzyme is involved in the biosynthesis of C7N-aminocyclitol CC natural products, such as the valienamine moiety of the antidiabetic CC drug acarbose and the crop protectant validamycin A. cf. EC CC and EC DR Q9ZAE9, ACBC_ACTS5 ; A1YPR2, CETA_ACTSX ; E3FKM2, EEVS_STIAD ; DR B0B0T7, EEVS_STRGA ; A8D7K2, SALQ_STRA4 ; H2K887, VALA_STRHJ ; //