ID DE long-chain fatty acid adenylyltransferase FadD28. CA a long-chain fatty acid + ATP + holo-[mycocerosate synthase] = AMP + CA diphosphate + long-chain fatty acyl-[mycocerosate synthase]. CC -!- The enzyme, found in certain mycobacteria, activates long-chain fatty CC acids by adenylation and transfers them to EC CC -!- The enzyme participates in the biosynthesis of the virulent lipids CC dimycocerosates (DIM) and dimycocerosyl triglycosyl phenolphthiocerol CC (PGL). CC -!- Formerly EC DR Q02278, FAA28_MYCBO; B2HIM0, FAA28_MYCMM; P9WQ58, FAA28_MYCTO; DR P9WQ59, FAA28_MYCTU; //