ID DE cyanophycin synthase (L-aspartate-adding). AN cyanophycin synthetase. AN multi-L-arginyl-poly-L-aspartate synthase. CA [L-4-(L-arginin-2-N-yl)aspartate](n) + ATP + L-aspartate = [L-4- CA (L-arginin-2-N-yl)aspartate](n)-L-aspartate + ADP + H(+) + phosphate. CC -!- Both this enzyme and EC are required for the elongation of CC cyanophycin, which is a protein-like cell inclusion that is unique to CC cyanobacteria and acts as a temporary nitrogen store. CC -!- Both enzymes are found in the same protein but have different active CC sites. CC -!- Both L-Asp and L-Arg must be present before either enzyme will CC display significant activity. DR Q9KGY4, CPHA_CROS5 ; P56947, CPHA_GEMHP ; P58572, CPHA_NOSS1 ; DR P73833, CPHA_SYNY3 ; O86109, CPHA_TRIV2 ; //