ID DE bacteriochlorophyllide-a dehydrogenase. CA (1) 3-deacetyl-3-(1-hydroxyethyl)bacteriochlorophyllide a + NAD(+) = CA bacteriochlorophyllide a + H(+) + NADH. CA (2) 3-devinyl-3-(1-hydroxyethyl)chlorophyllide a + NAD(+) = 3-acetyl-3- CA devinylchlorophyllide a + H(+) + NADH. CC -!- The enzyme, together with EC and EC, is involved CC in the conversion of chlorophyllide a to bacteriochlorophyllide a. CC -!- The enzymes can act in multiple orders, resulting in the formation of CC different intermediates, but the final product of the cumulative CC action of the three enzymes is always bacteriochlorophyllide a. CC -!- The enzyme oxidizes a hydroxyl group on ring A, converting it to an CC oxo group. //