ID DE 3beta-hydroxysteroid-4beta-carboxylate 3-dehydrogenase (decarboxylating). CA (1) a 3beta-hydroxy-4alpha-methylsteroid-4beta-carboxylate + NAD(+) = CA a 4alpha-methyl-3-oxosteroid + CO2 + NADH. CA (2) a 3beta-hydroxy-4alpha-methylsteroid-4beta-carboxylate + NADP(+) = CA a 4alpha-methyl-3-oxosteroid + CO2 + NADPH. CC -!- This bacterial enzyme participates in the biosynthesis of bacterial CC sterols. CC -!- Together with EC (SdmA) it forms an enzyme system that CC removes one methyl group from the C-4 position of 4,4-dimethylated CC steroid molecules. CC -!- SdmA catalyzes three successive oxidations of the C-4beta methyl CC group, turning it into a carboxylate group; SdmB is a bifunctional CC enzyme that catalyzes two different activities. CC -!- As EC it catalyzes an oxidative decarboxylation that CC results in reduction of the 3beta-hydroxy group at the C-3 carbon to CC an oxo group. CC -!- As EC, it reduces the 3-oxo group back to a 3beta-hydroxyl. CC -!- Since the remaining methyl group at C-4 is in an alpha orientation, CC it cannot serve as a substrate for a second round of demethylation by CC this system. DR Q60A54, SDMB_METCA ; //