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ENZYME entry: EC 1.1.1.n4

Accepted Name
(-)-trans-carveol dehydrogenase
Alternative Name(s)
(4R,6S)-carveol dehydrogenase
carveol dehydrogenase
Reaction catalysed
  • (1S,5R)-carveol + NAD(+) = (R)-carvone + H(+) + NADH
  • (1S,5S)-carveol + NAD(+) = (S)-carvone + H(+) + NADH
  • Catalyzes the oxidation of carveol to carvone, with a strong stereoselectivity since it efficiently converts only the (6S)- stereoisomers, of which (-)-(4R,6S)-trans-carveol is the better substrate.
  • Displays a broad substrate specificity with a preference for substituted cyclohexanols, and does not catalyze the oxidation of primary or short chain aliphatic secondary alcohols.
  • Is also able, albeit more slowly, to oxidize limonene-1,2-diol into 1-hydroxy-2-oxolimonene.

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