ID DE lanthanide-dependent methanol dehydrogenase. AN Ce(3+)-induced methanol dehydrogenase. AN cerium dependent MDH. AN La(3+)-dependent MDH. CA 2 Fe(III)-[cytochrome cL] + methanol = 2 Fe(II)-[cytochrome cL] + CA formaldehyde + 2 H(+). CC -!- Isolated from the bacterium Methylacidiphilum fumariolicum and many CC Methylobacterium species. CC -!- Requires La(3+), Ce(3+), Pr(3+) or Nd(3+). CC -!- The higher lanthanides show decreasing activity with Sm(3+), Eu(3+) CC and Gd(3+). CC -!- The lanthanide is coordinated by the enzyme and pyrroloquinoline CC quinone. CC -!- Shows little activity with Ca(2+), the required cofactor of CC EC DR C5B120, XOXF1_METEA; //