ID DE cyclohexanone monooxygenase. AN cyclohexanone:NADPH:oxygen oxidoreductase (6-hydroxylating, 1,2- AN lactonizing). AN cyclohexanone 1,2-monooxygenase. AN cyclohexanone oxygenase. CA cyclohexanone + H(+) + NADPH + O2 = H2O + hexano-6-lactone + NADP(+). CC -!- In the catalytic mechanism of this enzyme, the nucleophilic species CC that attacks the carbonyl group is a peroxyflavin intermediate that CC is generated by reaction of the enzyme-bound flavin cofactor with CC NAD(P)H and oxygen. CC -!- This enzyme is able to catalyze a wide range of oxidative reactions, CC including enantioselective Baeyer-Villiger reactions, sulfoxidations, CC amine oxidations and epoxidations. DR P12015, CHMO_ACISP ; //