ID DE aurachin C monooxygenase/isomerase. AN aurachin C monooxygenase. CA (1) aurachin C + H(+) + NADH + O2 = 4-hydroxy-2-methyl-3-oxo-[(2E,6E)- CA farnesyl]-3,4-dihydroquinoline 1-oxide + H2O + NAD(+). CA (2) aurachin C + H(+) + NADPH + O2 = 4-hydroxy-2-methyl-3-oxo-[(2E,6E)- CA farnesyl]-3,4-dihydroquinoline 1-oxide + H2O + NADP(+). CC -!- The aurachin C monooxygenase from the bacterium Stigmatella CC aurantiaca accepts both NADH and NADPH as cofactor, but has a CC preference for NADH. CC -!- It catalyzes the initial steps in the conversion of aurachin C to CC aurachin B. CC -!- The FAD-dependent monooxygenase catalyzes the epoxidation of the CC C2-C3 double bond of aurachin C, which is followed by a semipinacol CC rearrangement, causing migration of the farnesyl group from C3 to C4. DR H1ZZA4, AUAG_STIAU ; //