ID DE ferruginol synthase. AN CYP76AH1. AN miltiradiene oxidase. CA abieta-8,11,13-triene + O2 + reduced [NADPH--hemoprotein reductase] = CA ferruginol + H(+) + H2O + oxidized [NADPH--hemoprotein reductase]. CC -!- A cytochrome P450 (heme thiolate) enzyme found in some members of the CC Lamiaceae (mint family). CC -!- The enzyme from Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) is involved in CC biosynthesis of carnosic acid, while the enzyme from the Chinese CC medicinal herb Salvia miltiorrhiza is involved in the biosynthesis of CC the tanshinones, abietane-type norditerpenoid naphthoquinones that CC are the main lipophilic bioactive components found in the plant. CC -!- Formerly EC DR A0A0C5Q4Y6, C76H2_ROSOF; A0A0C5QRZ2, C76H2_SALFT; A0A0S1TP26, C76H2_SALPM; DR S4UX02, CYPH1_SALMI; A0A1Z3GBS4, CYPH3_ISORU; //