ID DE brassinosteroid 6-oxygenase. AN brassinosteroid 6-oxidase. AN CYP85A1. AN CYP85A2. CA 6-deoxocastasterone + 2 O2 + 2 reduced [NADPH--hemoprotein reductase] = CA castasterone + 2 H(+) + 3 H2O + 2 oxidized [NADPH--hemoprotein CA reductase]. CC -!- This cytochrome P450 (heme thiolate) plant enzyme catalyzes the C-6 CC hydoxylation of several brassinosteroid biosynthesis intermediates, CC and the further oxidation of the hydroxyl group to an oxo group. CC -!- Substrates include 6-deoxocastasterone, 6-deoxotyphasterol, CC 3-dehydro-6-deoxoteasterone, and 6-deoxoteasterone. CC -!- The CYP85A2 isozyme of Arabidopsis thaliana (but not the CYP85A1 CC isozyme) also catalyzes the activity of EC DR Q9FMA5, C85A1_ARATH; Q940V4, C85A2_ARATH; Q50LE0, C85A3_SOLLC; //