ID DE tryptophan 5-halogenase. CA chloride + FADH2 + L-tryptophan + O2 = 5-chloro-L-tryptophan + FAD + CA 2 H2O. CC -!- A flavin-dependent halogenase. CC -!- The enzyme from the bacterium Streptomyces rugosporus catalyzes CC halogenation of the C-5 position of tryptophan during the CC biosynthesis of the antibiotic compound pyrroindomycin B. CC -!- It utilizes molecular oxygen to oxidize the FADH2 cofactor, giving CC C4a-hydroperoxyflavin, which then reacts with chloride to produce a CC hypochlorite ion. CC -!- The latter reacts with an active site lysine to generate a CC chloramine, which chlorinates the substrate. cf. EC and CC EC DR A4D0H5, TRP5H_STRRG; //