ID DE heme oxygenase (mycobilin-producing). CA (1) 3 AH2 + 2 H(+) + heme b + 3 O2 = 3 A + Fe(2+) + 3 H2O + mycobilin a. CA (2) 3 AH2 + 2 H(+) + heme b + 3 O2 = 3 A + Fe(2+) + 3 H2O + mycobilin b. CC -!- The enzyme, characterized from the bacterium Mycobacterium CC tuberculosis, is involved in heme degradation and iron utilization. CC -!- The enzyme binds two stacked protoheme molecules per monomer. CC -!- Unlike the canonical heme oxygenases, the enzyme does not release CC carbon monoxide or formaldehyde; instead, it forms unique products, CC named mycobilins, that retain the alpha-meso-carbon at the ring CC cleavage site as an aldehyde group. CC -!- EC can act as electron donor in vitro. DR P9WKH2, MHUD_MYCTO ; P9WKH3, MHUD_MYCTU ; //