ID DE 4-amino-L-phenylalanyl-[CmlP-peptidyl-carrier-protein] 3-hydroxylase. CA 4-amino-L-phenylalanyl-[peptidyl-carrier protein] + AH2 + O2 = (2R)-2- CA (4-aminophenyl)-L-seryl-[peptidyl-carrier protein] + A + H2O. CC -!- The enzyme, characterized from the bacterium Streptomyces venezuelae, CC participates in the biosynthesis of the antibiotic chloramphenicol. CC -!- It carries an oxygen-bridged dinuclear iron cluster. CC -!- The native electron donor remains unknown, and the enzyme was assayed CC in vitro using sodium dithionite. CC -!- The enzyme only acts on its substrate when it is loaded onto the CC peptidyl-carrier domain of the CmlP non-ribosomal peptide synthase. DR F2RB80, CMLA_STRVP ; //