ID DE glycine dehydrogenase (cyanide-forming). AN HCN synthase. AN hydrogen cyanide synthase. CA 2 A + glycine = 2 AH2 + CO2 + hydrogen cyanide. CC -!- The enzyme is membrane-bound, and the 2-electron acceptor is a CC component of the respiratory chain. CC -!- The enzyme can act with various artificial electron acceptors, CC including phenazine methosulfate. DR G3XD67, HCNA_PSEAE ; O85226, HCNA_PSEPH ; Q9I1S2, HCNB_PSEAE ; DR O85227, HCNB_PSEPH ; G3XD12, HCNC_PSEAE ; O85228, HCNC_PSEPH ; //