ID DE agroclavine dehydrogenase. CA agroclavine + NADP(+) = didehydroagroclavine + H(+) + NADPH. CC -!- The enzyme participates in the biosynthesis of ergotamine, an ergot CC alkaloid produced by some fungi of the Clavicipitaceae family. CC -!- The reaction is catalyzed in the opposite direction to that shown. CC -!- The substrate for the enzyme is an iminium intermediate that is CC formed spontaneously from chanoclavine-I aldehyde in the presence of CC glutathione. DR A8C7S1, EASG_CLAFS ; M1WEN5, EASG_CLAP2 ; P0CT21, EASG_CLAPU ; DR A2TBU1, EASG_EPIFI ; //