ID DE fructosyl amine oxidase (glucosone-forming). AN amadoriase. CA an N-(1-deoxy-beta-D-fructopyranos-1-yl)amine + H2O + O2 = 2-dehydro-D- CA glucose + an aliphatic amine + H2O2. CC -!- Reducing sugars such as glucose react with amino groups in proteins CC via the spontaeous Maillard reaction, forming an unstable product CC that undergoes spontaneous rearrangement to a keto amine compound. CC -!- These reactions are known as glycation reactions, and the stable CC products are known as Amadori products. CC -!- This enzyme, which contains an FAD cofactor, catalyzes a deglycation CC reaction that regenerates the amine reactant. CC -!- By-products are glucosone and hydrogen peroxide. CC -!- The enzymes have been reported from fungi and bacteria, but not from CC higher eukaryotes. CC -!- Specific enzymes differ in their substrate specificity. cf. CC EC //