ID DE tricin synthase. CA 2 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + tricetin = 3',5'-di-O-methyltricetin + 2 H(+) CA + 2 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine. CC -!- The enzymes from Oryza sativa (ROMT-15 and ROMT-17) catalyzes the CC stepwise methylation of tricetin to its 3'-mono- and 3',5'-dimethyl CC ethers. CC -!- In contrast with the wheat enzyme (EC, tricetin 3',4',5'-O- CC trimethyltransferase), tricetin dimethyl ether is not converted to CC its 3',4',5'-trimethylated ether derivative. CC -!- The enzymes from Hordeum vulgare (HvOMT1) and from Zea mays (ZmOMT1) CC form the 3',5'-dimethyl derivative as the major product. DR Q06509, COMT1_MAIZE; Q9XGP7, OMT15_ORYSJ; Q7F8T6, OMT17_ORYSJ; //