ID DE sphingolipid C(9)-methyltransferase. CA a (4E,8E)-4-sphinga-4,8-dienine ceramide + S-adenosyl-L-methionine = CA a 9-methyl-(4E,8E)-sphinga-4,8-dienine ceramide + H(+) + S-adenosyl-L- CA homocysteine. CC -!- The enzyme, characterized from the fungi Komagataella pastoris and CC Fusarium graminearum, acts only on ceramides and has no activity with CC free sphingoid bases or glucosylceramides. DR I1RJD6, C9MT1_GIBZE; I1RNL0, C9MT2_GIBZE; Q5APD4, C9MT_CANAL ; DR C4R7Z3, C9MT_KOMPG ; A0A1U8QYZ5, SMTA_EMENI ; A0A1U8QNM5, SMTB_EMENI ; //