ID DE ethanol O-acetyltransferase. AN ethanol acetyltransferase. CA acetyl-CoA + ethanol = CoA + ethyl acetate. CC -!- The enzyme, characterized from the yeast Wickerhamomyces anomalus, CC is responsible for most ethyl acetate synthesis in known ethyl CC acetate-producing yeasts. CC -!- It is only distantly related to enzymes classified as EC CC -!- The enzyme also possesses thioesterase and esterase activities, which CC are inhibited by high ethanol concentrations. DR A0A2R6PLK2, AT9_ACTCC ; P0DO25, AT9_ACTDE ; A0A068BIF1, AT9_ACTER ; DR A0A061B0Q2, EAT1_CYBFA ; A0A1E4S2P1, EAT1_CYBJN ; G8JVR4, EAT1_ERECY ; DR A0A1E5RUL9, EAT1_HANUV ; Q6CLY8, EAT1_KLULA ; W0T4A7, EAT1_KLUMD ; DR A0A1E3P8S6, EAT1_WICAA ; K0KPV8, EAT1_WICCF ; P53208, EAT1_YEAST ; DR A0A1E5RIW9, EAT2_HANUV ; //