ID DE mycolipenoyl-CoA--2-(long-chain-fatty acyl)-trehalose DE mycolipenoyltransferase. CA 2-O-(long-chain fatty acyl)-alpha,alpha-trehalose + a mycolipenoyl-CoA = CA 2-O-(long-chain fatty acyl)-3-O-mycolipenoyl-trehalose + CoA. CC -!- The enzyme, characterized from the bacterium Mycobacterium CC tuberculosis, participates in the biosynthesis of polyacyltrehalose CC (PAT), a pentaacylated, trehalose-based glycolipid found in the cell CC wall of pathogenic strains. CC -!- The enzyme catalyzes two successive activities - it first transfers CC an acyl (often palmitoyl) group to position 2 (see EC, CC followed by the transfer of a mycolipenyl group to position 3. DR P9WIK4, PAPA3_MYCTO; P9WIK5, PAPA3_MYCTU; //