ID DE phenolphthiocerol/phthiocerol/phthiodiolone dimycocerosyl transferase. CA (1) 2 a mycocerosyl-[mycocerosic acid synthase] + a phthiocerol = CA a dimycocerosyl phthiocerol + 2 holo-[mycocerosic acid synthase]. CA (2) 2 a mycocerosyl-[mycocerosic acid synthase] + a phthiodiolone = CA a dimycocerosyl phthiodiolone + 2 holo-[mycocerosic acid synthase]. CA (3) 2 a mycocerosyl-[mycocerosic acid synthase] + a phenolphthiocerol = CA a dimycocerosyl phenolphthiocerol + 2 holo-[mycocerosic acid synthase]. CC -!- The enzyme, present in certain pathogenic species of mycobacteria, CC catalyzes the transfer of mycocerosic acids to the two hydroxyl CC groups at the common lipid core of phthiocerol, phthiodiolone, CC and phenolphthiocerol, forming dimycocerosate esters. CC -!- The fatty acid precursors of mycocerosic acids are activated by CC EC, which loads them onto EC CC -!- That enzyme extends the precursors to form mycocerosic acids that CC remain attached until transferred by EC DR Q02279, PAPA5_MYCBO; A1KMT4, PAPA5_MYCBP; Q49939, PAPA5_MYCLE; DR A3Q0G0, PAPA5_MYCSJ; A1UGV8, PAPA5_MYCSK; Q1B849, PAPA5_MYCSS; DR A5U6U6, PAPA5_MYCTA; P9WIN4, PAPA5_MYCTO; P9WIN5, PAPA5_MYCTU; DR A0PQ31, PAPA5_MYCUA; A1T9S1, PAPA5_MYCVP; //