ID DE spectinabilin polyketide synthase system. AN spectinabilin polyketide synthase complex. CA 6 (S)-methylmalonyl-CoA + 4-nitrobenzoyl-CoA + 12 H(+) + malonyl-CoA + CA 6 NADPH = 7 CO2 + 8 CoA + demethyldeoxyspectinabilin + 5 H2O + 6 NADP(+). CC -!- This polyketide synthase, characterized from the bacteria CC Streptomyces orinoci and Streptomyces spectabilis, generates the CC backbone of the antibiotic spectinabilin. CC -!- It is composed of 6 modules that total 28 domains and is encoded by CC four genes. CC -!- The enzyme accepts the unusual starter unit 4-nitrobenzoyl-CoA and CC extends it by 6 molecules of (S)-methylmalonyl-CoA and a single CC molecule of malonyl-CoA. CC -!- The first module (encoded by norA) is used twice in an iterative CC fashion, so that the seven Claisen condensation reactions are CC catalyzed by only six modules. CC -!- The iteration becomes possible by the transfer of the [acp]-bound CC polyketide intermediate back to the ketosynthase (KS) domain on the CC opposite polyketide synthase strand (polyketides are homodimeric). //