ID DE 2-hydroxyflavanone C-glucosyltransferase. CA a 3'-hydro-2'-hydroxy-beta-oxodihydrochalcone + UDP-alpha-D-glucose = CA a 3'-(beta-D-glucopyranosyl)-2'-hydroxy-beta-oxodihydrochalcone + H(+) + CA UDP. CC -!- The enzyme has been characterized in Oryza sativa (rice), various CC Citrus spp., Glycine max (soybean), and Fagopyrum esculentum CC (buckwheat). CC -!- Flavanone substrates require a 2-hydroxy group. CC -!- The meta-stable flavanone substrates such as 2-hydroxynaringenin CC exist in an equilibrium with open forms such as 1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- CC 3-(2,4,6-trihydroxyphenyl)propane-1,3-dione, which are the actual CC substrates for the glucosyl-transfer reaction (see EC CC -!- The enzyme can also act on dihydrochalcones. CC -!- The enzymes from citrus plants can catalyze a second C-glycosylation CC reaction at position 5. DR A0A0A1HA03, 708C1_FAGES; A0A0A1H7N4, 708C2_FAGES; I1L3T1, 708D1_SOYBN; DR A0A224AM54, 708G1_CITJP; A0A224AKZ9, 708G2_CITUN; C3W7B0, CGT_ORYSI ; DR Q5VMI0, CGT_ORYSJ ; //