ID DE 4,6-alpha-glucanotransferase (linear and branched substrates, branched DE products). CA formation of a branched isomalto/malto-polysaccharide from branched CA malto-oligosaccharides. CC -!- The enzyme, discovered in several bacterial species, is similar to CC EC yet is not able to act on sucrose. CC -!- The enzyme, which belongs to the glycoside hydrolase 70 (GH70) CC family, possesses both hydrolase and transglycosylase activities, CC cleaving endo alpha(1->4) linkages from the non-reducing end of CC maltooligosaccharides and adding the resulting oligosaccharides to CC the non-reducing end of alpha-D-glucan chains that terminate with a CC residue linked by an alpha-(1->4) linkage, forming an alpha(1->6) CC linkage. CC -!- The enzyme is not able to form successive alpha(1->6) linkages. CC -!- Unlike EC, which can only act on linear substrates, this CC enzyme is able to act on both linear and branched substrates, and can CC form the branched reuteran type of alpha-glucan. //