ID DE dolichyl-phosphooligosaccharide-protein glycotransferase. AN archaeal oligosaccharyl transferase. AN dolichyl-monophosphooligosaccharide-protein glycotransferase. CA an archaeal dolichyl phosphooligosaccharide + [protein]-L-asparagine = CA an archaeal dolichyl phosphate + a glycoprotein with the oligosaccharide CA chain attached by N-beta-D-glycosyl linkage to a protein L-asparagine. CC -!- The enzyme, characterized from the archaea Methanococcus voltae and CC Haloferax volcanii, transfers a glycan component from dolichyl CC phosphooligosaccharide to external proteins. CC -!- It is different from EC which uses dolichyl diphosphate as CC carrier compound in bacteria and eukaryotes. CC -!- The enzyme participates in the N-glycosylation of proteins in some CC archaea. CC -!- Dolichol used by archaea is different from that used by eukaryotes; CC it is much shorter (C55-C60), it is alpha,omega-saturated and it may CC have additional unsaturated positions in the chain. DR O29918, AGLB1_ARCFU; Q8U4D2, AGLB1_PYRFU; O74088, AGLB1_PYRHO; DR O30195, AGLB2_ARCFU; Q8U3P6, AGLB2_PYRFU; O58981, AGLB2_PYRHO; DR O29867, AGLB3_ARCFU; D4GYH4, AGLB_HALVD ; Q58920, AGLB_METJA ; DR Q2EMT4, AGLB_METVO ; //