ID DE 8-demethyl-8-aminoriboflavin-5'-phosphate synthase. CA 3 A + FMN + H2O + L-glutamate + O2 = 2-oxoglutarate + 8-amino-8- CA demethylriboflavin 5'-phosphate + 3 AH2 + CO2 + H(+). CC -!- The enzyme, characterized from the bacterium Streptomyces davawensis, CC has the activities of an oxidoreductase, a decarboxylase, and an CC aminotransferase. CC -!- Its combined actions result in the replacement of a methyl CC substituent of one of the aromatic rings of FMN by an amino group, CC a step in the biosynthetic pathway of roseoflavin. CC -!- The reaction requires thiamine for completion. DR K4REZ6, ROSB_STRDJ ; //