ID DE 2'-phosphotransferase. AN Tpt1p. AN yeast 2'-phosphotransferase. CA 2'-phospho-[ligated tRNA] + NAD(+) = ADP-alpha-D-ribose 1'',2''-cyclic CA phosphate + mature tRNA + nicotinamide. CC -!- Catalyzes the final step of tRNA splicing in the yeast Saccharomyces CC cerevisiae. CC -!- The reaction takes place in two steps: in the first step, CC the 2'-phosphate on the RNA substrate is ADP-ribosylated, causing the CC relase of nicotinamide and the formation of the reaction CC intermediate, ADP-ribosylated tRNA. CC -!- In the second step, dephosphorylated (mature) tRNA is formed along CC with ADP ribose 1'',2''-cyclic phosphate. CC -!- Highly specific for oligonucleotide substrates bearing an internal CC 2'-phosphate. CC -!- Oligonucleotides with only a terminal 5'- or 3'-phosphate are not CC substrates. DR O14045, TPT1_SCHPO ; Q12272, TPT1_YEAST ; Q3ZBM7, TRPT1_BOVIN; DR Q5EAR5, TRPT1_DANRE; Q86TN4, TRPT1_HUMAN; Q8K3A2, TRPT1_MOUSE; //