ID DE glucosamine kinase. CA ATP + D-glucosamine = ADP + D-glucosamine 6-phosphate + H(+). CC -!- The enzyme is specific for glucosamine and has only a minor activity CC with D-glucose. CC -!- Two unrelated enzymes with this activityn have been described. CC -!- One type was studied in the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, where it CC participates in a chitin degradation pathway. CC -!- The other type has been described from actinobacteria, where it is CC involved in the incorporation of environmental glucosamine into CC antibiotic biosynthesis pathways. cf. EC DR I7FJX8, GLCNK_MYCS2; A0A1H7TQR5, GLCNK_STRJI; Q9KUA9, GSPK_VIBCH ; //