ID DE poly(ethylene terephthalate) hydrolase. AN PETase. AN PET hydrolase. CA (ethylene terephthalate)(n) + H2O = (ethylene terephthalate)(n-1) + CA 4-[(2-hydroxyethoxy)carbonyl]benzoate + H(+). CC -!- The enzyme, isolated from the bacterium Ideonella sakaiensis, also CC produces small amounts of terephthalate (cf. EC CC -!- The reaction takes place on PET-film placed in solution. DR D4Q9N1, PETH1_THEAE; E9LVH8, PETH1_THECS; G8GER6, PETH1_THEFU; DR Q47RJ7, PETH1_THEFY; F7IX06, PETH2_THEAE; E9LVH9, PETH2_THECS; DR Q6A0I4, PETH2_THEFU; Q47RJ6, PETH2_THEFY; A0A0K8P6T7, PETH_IDESA ; DR G9BY57, PETH_UNKP ; //