ID DE chitosanase. CA Endohydrolysis of beta-(1->4)-linkages between D-glucosamine residues in CA a partly acetylated chitosan. CC -!- A whole spectrum of chitosanases are now known that can hydrolyze CC various types of links in chitosan. CC -!- The only constant property is the endohydrolysis of GlcN-GlcN links, CC which is common to all known chitosanases. CC -!- One known chitosanase is limited to this link recognition, while the CC majority can also recognize GlcN-GlcNAc links or GlcNAc-GlcN links CC but not both. CC -!- They also do not recognize GlcNAc-GlcNAc links in partly acetylated CC chitosan. DR O07921, CHIS_BACSU ; P33673, CHIS_NIACI ; P48846, CHIS_NOCSP ; DR P33665, CHIS_STRSN ; Q2U1H5, CSNB_ASPOR ; Q8NK76, CSNB_ASPOZ ; DR Q2U5P1, CSNC_ASPOR ; Q75R32, CSNC_ASPOZ ; Q875I9, CSN_ASPFM ; DR Q4WB37, CSN_ASPFU ; Q2U3M5, CSN_ASPOR ; Q9P961, CSN_ASPOZ ; DR P86799, IPLAA_MORAL; P86800, IPLAB_MORAL; //