ID DE carboxypeptidase B. AN protaminase. CA Preferential release of a C-terminal lysine or arginine amino acid. CC -!- Isolated from cattle, pig and dogfish pancreas, and other sources, CC including skin fibroblasts and adrenal medulla. CC -!- Belongs to peptidase family M14. CC -!- Formerly EC and EC DR A0A1S4F020, CBPB1_AEDAE; P00732, CBPB1_BOVIN; P55261, CBPB1_CANLF; DR P15086, CBPB1_HUMAN; P09955, CBPB1_PIG ; P19223, CBPB1_RAT ; DR P04069, CBPB_ASTAS ; Q3T905, CBPB_HELZE ; P19628, CBPB_PROAT ; //