ID DE calpain-3. AN calcium-activated neutral proteinase 3. AN calpain L3. AN calpain p94. AN CANP 3. AN CAPN3. AN muscle-specific calcium-activated neutral protease 3. CA Broad endopeptidase activity. CC -!- Activated by autoproteolytic cleavage of insertion sequence 1 (IS1), CC which allows substrates and inhibitors gain access to the active CC site. CC -!- Substrates include the protein itself and connectin/titin. CC -!- Belongs to peptidase family C2. DR P51186, CAN3_BOVIN ; Q92177, CAN3_CHICK ; P20807, CAN3_HUMAN ; DR Q9GLG7, CAN3_MACFA ; Q64691, CAN3_MOUSE ; P43368, CAN3_PIG ; DR P16259, CAN3_RAT ; Q9TTH8, CAN3_SHEEP ; //