ID DE interstitial collagenase. AN matrix metalloproteinase 1. AN vertebrate collagenase. CA Cleavage of the triple helix of collagen at about three-quarters of the CA length of the molecule from the N-terminus, at 775-Gly-|-Ile-776 in the CA alpha1(I) chain. Cleaves synthetic substrates and alpha-macroglobulins at CA bonds where P1' is a hydrophobic residue. CC -!- The enzyme takes its name from substrates of the interstitial CC collagen group - types I, II and III, all of which are cleaved in the CC helical domain. CC -!- alpha-macroglobulins are cleaved much more rapidly. CC -!- The enzyme is widely distributed in vertebrate animals. CC -!- Belongs to peptidase family M10B. DR P34156, COG4_CHIOP ; Q9EPL5, MMP1A_MOUSE; Q9EPL6, MMP1B_MOUSE; DR Q11133, MMP1_AQUCT ; P28053, MMP1_BOVIN ; Q9XSZ5, MMP1_HORSE ; DR P03956, MMP1_HUMAN ; P21692, MMP1_PIG ; P13943, MMP1_RABIT ; DR P81563, MMP1_RAT ; //