ID DE N-(long-chain-acyl)ethanolamine deacylase. AN N-acylethanolamine amidohydrolase. CA H2O + N-(long-chain fatty acyl)ethanolamine = a long-chain fatty acid + CA ethanolamine. CC -!- This lysosomal enzyme acts best on palmitoyl ethanolamide, with lower CC activity on other N-(long-chain-acyl)ethanolamines. CC -!- It is only active at acidic pH. CC -!- Unlike EC it does not act on primary amides such as CC oleamide, and has only a marginal activity with anandamide. CC -!- The enzyme is translated as an inactive proenzyme, followed by CC autocatalytic cleavage into two subunits that reassociate to form an CC active heterodimeric complex. DR Q9GUI1, NAAA_CAEEL ; H0VCJ6, NAAA_CAVPO ; Q02083, NAAA_HUMAN ; DR Q9D7V9, NAAA_MOUSE ; G1T7U7, NAAA_RABIT ; Q5KTC7, NAAA_RAT ; //