ID DE (R)-3-(aryl)lactoyl-CoA dehydratase. AN (R)-phenyllactoyl-CoA dehydratase. AN aryllactyl-CoA dehydratase. CA (1) (R)-3-phenyllactoyl-CoA = (E)-cinnamoyl-CoA + H2O. CA (2) (R)-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)lactoyl-CoA = (E)-4-coumaroyl-CoA + H2O. CA (3) (R)-3-(indol-3-yl)lactoyl-CoA = (E)-3-(indol-3-yl)acryloyl-CoA + H2O. CC -!- The enzyme, found in some amino acid-fermenting anaerobic bacteria, CC participates in the fermentation pathways of L-phenylalanine, CC L-tyrosine, and L-tryptophan. CC -!- It is a heterodimeric protein consisting of the FldB and CC FldC polypeptides, both of which contain an [4Fe-4S] cluster, CC and forms a complex with EC CC -!- In order to catalyze the reaction, the enzyme requires one high- CC energy electron that transiently reduces the electrophilic thiol CC ester carbonyl of the substrate to a nucleophilic ketyl radical CC anion, facilitating the elimination of the hydroxyl group. CC -!- This electron, which is provided by by EC, needs to be CC supplied only once, before the first reaction takes place, as it is CC regenerated at the end of each reaction cycle. CC -!- The enzyme acts on (R)-3-(aryl)lactoyl-CoAs produced by FldA, CC and regenerates the CoA donors used by that enzyme. DR Q93AL9, FLDB_CLOSG ; Q93AL8, FLDC_CLOSG ; //