ID DE (-)-drimenol synthase. AN drimenol cyclase. AN farnesyl pyrophosphate:drimenol cyclase. CA (2E,6E)-farnesyl diphosphate + H2O = (5S,9S,10S)-drim-7-en-11-ol + CA diphosphate. CC -!- Isolated from the plants Valeriana officinalis (valerian) and CC Persicaria hydropiper (water pepper). CC -!- The enzyme does not act on farnesol or drimenol diphosphate. CC -!- Using 18-oxygen labeled water 18-oxygen was incorporated suggesting CC involvement of a stabilized carbocation or an equivalent species. CC -!- Formerly EC DR A0A0U5GNT1, DRTB_ASPCI ; W0FFD7, DS_PERHD ; U3KYL2, DS_VALOF ; //