ID DE 4-hydroxybenzoate adenylyltransferase FadD22. AN 4-hydroxybenzoate adenylase. CA 4-hydroxybenzoate + ATP + holo-[4-hydroxyphenylalkanoate synthase] = CA 4-hydroxyphenyl-[4-hydroxyphenylalkanoate synthase] + AMP + diphosphate. CC -!- This mycobacterial enzyme participates in the biosynthesis of CC phenolphthiocerols. CC -!- Following the substrate's activation by adenylation, it is CC transferred to an acyl-carrier protein domain within the enzyme, from CC which it is transferred to EC CC -!- Formerly EC DR Q7TXK7, FAA22_MYCBO; B2HIL6, FAA22_MYCMM; P9WQ60, FAA22_MYCTO; DR P9WQ61, FAA22_MYCTU; //